We had practice Sunday as usual
Ren and I were cleaning the intro and for some reason it seemed increasingly hard to keep everyone focused and it as usual took a huge toll on my mind... not because people weren't listening, but because of the lost potential of this team. That's when it happened...
Randomly Jason Millar came to practice and made yet another "announcement"
All of a sudden you see alumni from all different years dating back to the founding Alpha's... not just .5's. This was when it hit me... Our roots are strong and they have carried us to the position that we are now and with strong roots sprouts a strong tree.
I believe that the current team of any year is the trunk of the tree and we are a solid unit. Therefore I am humbled while restored with overwhelming passion to carry out this potential to the best of my ability. However, I must always remember that just like the smiles on the alumni's face this team is first and foremost about having fun whether its through getting better or just the pure bliss of dance!
Teen Spirit
There's something about teenagers that disarms everyone around them. Just
yesterday, as I stood feeling my perspiration soak through my black dress
(I chos...
11 years ago